"After all, only in these precious, powerful moments will you come to realize that all the disposable wealth stored in your greedy pockets is a mere pittance compared to your newfound generosity.”


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LOL. For sure!

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“A lot of unenlightened people have been brainwashed into viewing the barrel of a fully-loaded .357 pointed smack-dab between their eyes as a disaster. But not me. I like to think of it as opportunity for spontaneous charity.” — hilarious!

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I need Merlina,s number. I'm looking for a good driver on my trip to Lima...

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LOL. She's a crazy driver for sure. One of my wife's other friends is actually even crazier, which is something. I don't drive in South America, but during friend/taxi/uber rides in Lima and in Santiago, Chile, I've probably been in about 5-7 accidents. Fortunately, they've all been little fender benders where someone rearends someone who's at a light, but still, driving is a full-contact sport down there.

You'll love it.


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Next try driving in Paris. Compare and contrast .... provided you survive.

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LOL. My wife and I went to Spain last October, but were supposed to finish up in Paris b/c her friend lived there. We wound up not being able to go. I've heard that Paris traffic is nuts. Rome as well. Eventually, if we get over there, I'll make sure to give you my report, even if it's from an emergency room bed. ;-)


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Ha! Will await

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Wow! Isn't that the truth! Especially around the Arch de Triumph!

The one that I'd never drive in is Naples, Italy! Not sure what the system is there, but it's not for me!

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Athens in the 1960s. Why taxis were all tank-like silver Mercedes Benz - the only thing you MIGHT survive a crash in.

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