reminds me of "The Glass Bees", Ernst Jünger, translated by Louise Bogan and Elizabeth Mayer (NY: Noonday Press, 1960). Many good lines... among them:

“…why should words like ‘government’ still be taken seriously?” [19]

“A work of art wastes away and becomes lusterless in surroundings where it has a price but not a value.” [38]

“This is one of the mysteries of time. The moment is wedded to eternity.” [148]

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Those are great lines, especially the first in the times we live in.


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This is true. I experienced this in my own backyard when bees invaded the oak trees surrounding our pool. I had to skim out their bodies (some drowned, some struggling) before going for a swim. I enjoyed your piece.

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I'm glad you enjoyed the read. Thanks.

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That opener is fantastic, as is the rest of the piece.

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Good timing. That family heading for the pool will probably make things more exciting than they need to be.

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“She adjusts her yellow sun hat from the light's rays rippling through cracks in the thatched ceiling.” — wonderful descriptions, as always. :)

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Thanks. There are times where I think I'm writing in a vacuum. Your comments really help give me a push to keep trying. Hope your writing life is going well.


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Right back at ya :)

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I did bee sting therapy for over a year and a half a little while ago...have to write that up at some point!

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I've heard about it but don't really know anything about it. Please, let me know when you write/post the article.


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Will do! It was an act of purest desperation to try to reclaim my health at the time. Kinda-sorta worked out but I wouldn't recommend it. At least not in any general sense.

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Gotcha. Hope your health is doing better, now.

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Much better, thanks!

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Those bees have nothing on East Coast Yellow Jackets. They will gang bang any fruit or pastry, kamakazi a soda, get trapped in clothing, and otherwise make royal pests of themselves.

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Lol. Well put. I actually live in Florida and I agree

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Thanks for the compiment!

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Of course!


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