Excellent writing and engrossing tale. I apologize for not being able to be a paid follower. Difficult to even buy groceries now. But your work here… fantastic
Thanks for the high praise. No worries about the paid following. I’ll keep trying to post. If, sometime in the future, you’re able to purchase the book, ebook, or just kick in a small donation, it’s always appreciated.
Gracias. It's all about putting in the work. I put in an insane amount of time/effort to try to tease the most out of the scene until I usually just quit out of frustration/tweaking with the iterations. Then I quit and it's on to the next scene. It's fun, though, b/c I felt like I've done the best I can do, even if it's not up to my expectations.
Excellent writing and engrossing tale. I apologize for not being able to be a paid follower. Difficult to even buy groceries now. But your work here… fantastic
Thanks for the high praise. No worries about the paid following. I’ll keep trying to post. If, sometime in the future, you’re able to purchase the book, ebook, or just kick in a small donation, it’s always appreciated.
I would like to buy the book. How can one go about buying one?
Thanks so much!!!
Here is the link for Amazon:
and here is the link for the others. (Smashwords, Kobo, etc... )
Much appreciated.
it's too well written if such thing exists
it's like I'm there-and I was drinking herbal tea,
the house is nice,
there are flowers everywhere
I try to tell myself it is my life-tea, house, flowers
just for a moment
but I'm swept with story
to where I must belong
Thanks again for the feedback. Sounds like a nice way to be swept away in the story of time.
Mesmerizing narrative.
Thanks. I'd like to think that as i got further along in my story, my writing progressed as well.
Take care
I know I’ve said this many time before, but your descriptions are amazing! They are in a league of their own. It’s so awesome to read. :)
Gracias. It's all about putting in the work. I put in an insane amount of time/effort to try to tease the most out of the scene until I usually just quit out of frustration/tweaking with the iterations. Then I quit and it's on to the next scene. It's fun, though, b/c I felt like I've done the best I can do, even if it's not up to my expectations.
Thanks again for reading and supporting
That is awesome to read! I try to do a similar thing with my writing for the purpose what you said: feeling I’ve done the best I can do.
Thanks :)