My mom once gave me a jar that was a conconction of pigfat and fiddleheads so I can relate. Needless to say, I had some issues with it at airport security: https://www.mostlymyth.com/p/advice-to-passengers

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Mmm frog smoothie ala Lima. Thanks for Sharing EG!

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I'm somewhat of an animal lover, the snake hmmm... not so much. The images are fantastic by the way.

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Thanks for the compliment about the images. Yeah, some of the things I saw in the markets was disturbing to me as well. This really came to a head in the Iquitos portion of the novel. I love traveling, even with all the bad with the good.

Gracias for the read,


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“I wanna flee this crime scene, like a disgusted blackjack player going bust after he’s bet his wife’s wedding ring, but the guts of no return are literally at hand. No matter what, poor Kermit doesn’t die in vain.” — such fun and creative writing.

Another exceptional chapter.

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Gonzo, you have a stronger stomach than me! So.... don't leave us hanging off the cliff. Are you still alive? Have you grown any strange warts on the end of your nose since drinking that concoction?

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Lol. I'm still alive last time I checked

No stomach warts but I'm definitely never doing that again.


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Thanks! I always appreciate the reads. It helps me find the motivation to get back to writing.


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Glad you liked it. Lol

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